Chocolate Covered Raisins Day

Chocolate Covered Raisins Day is a great excuse for a treat! Chocolate covered raisins are a great addition to a trail mix pack, or can make a convenient desk-side snack at work!

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Internet Day
Marking the anniversary of the first usage of the Internet to send a message electronically, way back in 1969. Let’s not draw attention to the fact that the system crashed half way through sending it, though…More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Send a Card to a Friend Day
When : Always February 7th Send a Card to a Friend Day is a great chance to get in touch with a friend. We all lead busy lives. Its easy to let a friendship or two lapse, as we try to shuffle kids to and from events. It's hard to stay in touch, when workload […]
Darwin Day
He gave us the theory of evolution, today is his special day
Poetry Day
Poetry Day is a celebration of poetry for everyone, everywhere: from assemblies, bus queues to hospitals and zoos. It’s a day when poetry takes to the streets. It’s a chance for you to use poetry to say things that can’t be said in prose.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at