When : September 17th
Be a member of the Apple Dumpling Gang. National Apple Dumpling Day is today. We are celebrating a tasty fall treat. Its easy to make (and, even easier to buy!). Apple lovers can't resist this pastry, filled with sweet, delicious apples.
With the arrival of fall and cool weather, two things happen: the apple harvest begins, and people turn indoors to cooking and baking again. It's only natural that apples are a big part of the cooking scene. Among the most popular of fall treats is apple dumplings. For those of you who enjoy ice cream, some apple dumpling recipes include a scoop of ice cream atop a generous piece of Apple Dumpling.
Enjoy some Apple dumpling today. Chances are, you haven't had it since last Fall!
Happy National Apple Dumpling Day!
More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/September/appledumplingday.htm