Toast Day

You know what is on the menu today

Make Your Dream Come True Day
When : Always January 13th Make Your Dream Come True Day gives you the opportunity to do something to realize your goals and dreams. Whatever your dreams are, they usually don't come true without some effort on your part. So, today is the perfect opportunity to do something about it. On this day do something, […]
Flower Day
Buy some flowers today for someone special
Windmill Day
Windmills were once a much more common feature of our landscapes; however, modern industry has rendered these historical wind-powered factories mostly redundant. Windmill Day encourages you to visit your local windmill, get involved in restoration projects, and to try your hand as a miller!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Animation Day
Put pencil to paper, draw your characters, and create a cartoon for Animation Day! Design your own storyboards and bring them to life with simple film techniques!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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