Windmill Day

Windmills were once a much more common feature of our landscapes; however, modern industry has rendered these historical wind-powered factories mostly redundant. Windmill Day encourages you to visit your local windmill, get involved in restoration projects, and to try your hand as a miller!

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Golden Spike Day
Think about a world without a transcontinental railroad
Joe Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 27th National Joe Day is a chance to change your name, if only for today. Many people do not like their given name. They wish they could change it. A few actually do. On National Joe Day, it is perfectly okay to have everyone call your ""Joe"". Why Joe, […]
International Sudoku Day
The WPF board decided to set the International Sudoku Day for a symbolic date - 9/9.Please share it in your countries and promote this day. More details about activities planned for this day to come. More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Two Different Colored Shoes Day
There are lots of ways to express ourselves, but what better way than celebrating Two Different Colored Shoes Day? Every day we wake up and, without thinking about it, put on two shoes which are exactly the same – the only difference being one shoe is for the left foot and the other for the […]

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