Fragrance Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 21st

Don't put up a stink about today. Today is Fragrance Day. It is a great smelling day. The olfactory nerves in your nose, will enjoy this special day. Ladies in particular, will enjoy today because they just love perfumes. And guys, you've gotta admit that your gal's perfume attracts you to her.

Perfumes have been in use for hundreds of years. In ancient times, they were used to hide body odors. At the time, baths were infrequent. After a few days, things began to smell less than ideal. Perfumes played an important role in making the atmosphere more palatable. Today, the daily shower eliminates the bad odors. But, we still like the smell and attraction of perfume.  

Favorite Fragrance Day Movie: Scent of a Woman

Celebrate today by buying some perfume or cologne for yourself, or  as a gift for someone. Make sure to put on just the right amount of perfume or cologne. Overpowering perfume ruins the value of the fragrance to the ""sniffer"".

Also, check your room deodorizers, and replace them with a new fragrance, if needed.

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