person skating on skateboard ramp

Go Skateboarding Day

June 21st is celebrated worldwide as Go Skateboarding Day, a day dedicated to the sport of skateboarding and the vibrant community that surrounds it.


Go Skateboarding Day was established in 2004 by the International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC) to promote skateboarding and encourage people of all ages to get out and ride.

Interesting Facts

  • Skateboarding originated in the late 1940s and early 1950s in California, evolving from surfers who wanted to "surf" on land when the waves were flat.
  • Skateboarding has grown into a global phenomenon, with millions of participants and a thriving culture encompassing art, music, fashion, and community activism.
  • On Go Skateboarding Day, skateboarding enthusiasts organize events, contests, and demonstrations in cities around the world, celebrating the joy and freedom of riding a skateboard.
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