International Ask a Question Day

What? How? Where? Why? HUH?!? All of the questions you could possibly think of can be freely raised on Ask a Question Day!

That’s right, now is your opportunity to ask that burning question that’s been festering in the dark recesses of your mind. We all know there’s no such thing as a stupid question, so go on, think up the wildest, craziest, most bizarre question you would like to see answered and fire away! With the wonders of modern technology these days, surely someone out there will have an answer for you. (Whether or not the answer is true is another story!)

Ask a Question Day gives us the liberty to bring different issues to the limelight, and also ask after those little bits of knowledge we’ve been longing to gain. So whether it’s a deep philosophical entreaty you’re looking to debate, or are just after the answer to a bit of random trivia – get asking!

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