Chocolate Cupcake Day

Everybody loves a great cupcake, and the only question really comes down to the best flavour. Strawberry, lemon and vanilla are all good, but Chocolate Cupcake Day hits the nail on the head and dives in at the deep end, promoting gooey, fudgy and intensely chocolately cupcakes.

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Static Electricity Day
National Static Electricity Day is celebrated on January 9th. Many people would not understand what static electricity really is and how it works. In the US, in the month of January every day is dedicated for a particular cause or an event, therefore January 9th is dedicated as the National Static Electricity Day.What is static […]
Molasses Bar Day
When was the last time you appreciated the simple flavors of an old-fashioned molasses dessert? Source:
Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day
â??Well hooooooo-wee! Ah reckon weâ??ve found ourselves some bona fide golden nuggets right here in this olâ?? mound oâ?? grit! Yessiree, Mommaâ??s gonna be marty proud when she discovâ??rs we can afford fresh beans â??nâ?? biscuits for the winnertarm, anâ?? thereâ??s gonna be three more weeks uvvit if mah old aching knee is tâ??be rckoned […]
National Munchies Day

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