Napping Day

Napping Day provides an opportunity to adjust after changes to daylight savings when losing an hour of sleep due to ‘springing forward’. Mid-afternoon naps are an integral part of most cultures, and scientifically proven to be good for you – so here’s to justifying a few hours of well deserved kip!

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two chocolate chip cookies
Sugar Cookie Day
Sugar Cookie Day on July 9 is a sweet celebration of one of America's favorite treats. Indulge in the simple pleasure of soft, buttery sugar cookies that melt in your mouth and bring a smile to your face. Whether enjoyed plain or decorated with colorful icing and sprinkles, sugar cookies are a timeless classic that evoke memories of childhood and warm gatherings with loved ones. Join in the festivities on Sugar Cookie Day by baking your own batch of these delightful treats or treating yourself to a freshly baked sugar cookie from your favorite bakery. Let the sugary sweetness of sugar cookies brighten your day and spread joy to those around you!
National Agriculture Day
Remember to water that plant!
National Golf Day
Play a round of 18 today and relax and if you can't play, try Mini-Golf instead
glowing with blue light flying saucer
World UFO Day
World UFO Day is observed annually on July 2nd to raise awareness about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and celebrate the possibility of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. The date was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, a pivotal event in UFO lore. On this day, enthusiasts gather worldwide to discuss UFO sightings, share theories, and participate in skywatching events to observe the skies for any unusual aerial phenomena.