Apple Tree Day

Apple Tree Day could also be called ‘Put a Doctor Out of Business Day’ because of the fruit’s health benefits. However, the origin of this day is quite different. Apple Tree Day started as a celebration of an old apple tree almost two centuries old, and has grown to become a celebration of the apple itself.

Even if you don’t have access to an organised function on Apple Tree Day, you can still participate – just eat an apple, drink apple cider or eat meals with apple in them. Traditionalists will take apple tree cuttings and plant them, but if you don’t have a green thumb it’s just as acceptable to plant an apple tree bought from a plant nursery. Sign up for a course on fruit tree pruning. If you’re at work, hold a competition to see who can peel an apple to make the longest ‘Slinky’ – you don’t have to like apples to be involved.

And since this day comes just once a year, if you’re in love declare it by throwing a Golden Delicious at the ‘apple of your eye’ and see if they reciprocate your affections by catching it. If they don’t, there’s always next year!

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