Fill Our Staplers Day

Is there anything more annoying in this world than going to use a stapler, only to find it has run out of staples? Yes, yes there is. A huge number of things. However, that does not detract from the fact that it can be extremely annoying, especially if you are at work, under time pressure, and have no idea where the spare staples are held.

Originally created by the Dull Men’s Club, Fill Our Staplers Day attempts to solve this super-serious problem. Occurring twice a year, on the day after the Sunday when the clocks change, the day encourages people, especially office workers, to refill their stapler, with a view to minimising the chances of a workplace crisis.

So if you work in an environment where staplers are shared with others, do your bit for humanity and use this day to ensure it is well stocked for future use.

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