Cereal Day

Cereal (at least, in terms of breakfast cereal) is a surprisingly modern invention. Dating back to colonial America, cereal has become an incredibly popular way to start the day. Why not celebrate Cereal Day by trying a new breakfast cereal!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/cereal-day/

Bridge Players Day
Get out the cards and play some Bridge. If you don't know how to play, then today is your chance to learn.
International Ask a Question Day
What? How? Where? Why? HUH?!? All of the questions you could possibly think of can be freely raised on Ask a Question Day!That’s right, now is your opportunity to ask that burning question that’s been festering in the dark recesses of your mind. We all know there’s no such thing as a stupid question, so […]
Hairstyle Appreciation Day
When : Always April 30th Hairstyle Appreciation Day celebrates uniqueness of all styles of hair. It allows us to express our individuality. Each generation of youth creates it's own hairstyles, or come back to style that were popular years ago. We include among the hairstyles, hair coloring and shaved heads. After all, no hair is […]
Earmuffs Day
Protect your ears from loud noises and protect them from the cold on Earmuffs Day!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/earmuffs-day/

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