International Book Day

Start reading a book today.

Roast Leg of Lamb Day
Leg of lamb is a hugely popular and versatile dish, often cooked with fresh herbs (such as rosemary), garlic or even fruity sauces. Roast Leg Of Lamb Day is all about celebrating this tasty dish!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
five men pulling black rope
Work Like a Dog Day
Work Like a Dog Day, observed on August 5, is a day to celebrate hard work, dedication, and perseverance. This day acknowledges the tireless efforts of individuals who go above and beyond in their professional and personal lives, much like the loyal and hardworking dogs we admire. It’s a perfect opportunity to recognize and appreciate those who embody a strong work ethic and to inspire others to approach their tasks with the same enthusiasm and diligence.
statue of liberty under blue skies
Ingersoll Day
Ingersoll Day on August 11 is a reminder of the enduring legacy of Robert Green Ingersoll—a champion of reason, freethought, and social justice. His contributions to intellectual discourse and advocacy for humanistic ideals continue to resonate today, inspiring generations to question, explore, and strive for a more rational and compassionate world.
Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day
At first glance, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day might appear to be an incitement to approach people that live in your vicinity and, literally, wave your fingers in their faces in an annoying and potentially dangerous manner. Do not be tempted to do this, however, as this is not, apparently, the aim.It’s more […]