Holy Experiment Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 4th

Holy Experiment Day is a day to try something religious. It is a chance to try something, or ask for something, and to measure the results.

There are a lot of things that can be viewed as religious or holy experiments. Some examples could be:

  • Pray for someone to get better
  • Pray for snow
  • Pray for your team to win the superbowl
  • Pray someone will ask you on a date
  • Try saying grace at dinner and see if others join you
  • Try to get a person to attend religious services
  • Plan to convert someone to your religion

In our examples above, God may grant all, some, or none of the desired results. He may be too busy with the problems of the world to make it snow. He definitely doesn't have a favorite sports team. The Lord truely works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, he has his own plans for an outcome that we may not understand.

We don't want to discourage holy experiments. Quite the opposite, we think they are good. We just believe you shouldn't judge the results. Your religious beliefs will be strengthen and you will be closer to God. So, participate in Holy Experiment Day to its fullest.    

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/March/holyexperimentday.htm

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