Kahlua Day

This coffee-laced rum liqueur lends distinctive flavor to White Russians, mudslides and other cocktail classics, but if you want to try something different, these boozy treats are sure to go down easy.

Source: food.com

Charles Dickens Day
Why not start a Dickens Novel today
True Confessions Day
Keeping a guilty secret can be stressful and puts a strain on any relationship. On a lighter note, confessing your feelings to someone could start a beautiful new friendship! True Confessions Day is a day that was created to inspire people to let go of their secrets and have a day of honesty. It’s no […]
Bagels & Lox Day
The most-satisfying brunch spread is also the easiest: a DIY buffet of bagels and smoked salmon (aka lox). Don’t forget the cream cheese and some strong coffee! Source: food.com
Howl At The Moon Day
Release your inner wolf and go wild – full moon or not! Why not get together with your friends and practice your best werewolf impressions? Go easy on the biting, though.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/howl-at-the-moon-day/

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