Bagels & Lox Day

The most-satisfying brunch spread is also the easiest: a DIY buffet of bagels and smoked salmon (aka lox). Don’t forget the cream cheese and some strong coffee!


Eight Track Tape Day
When : Always April 11th Eight Track Tape Day brings back fond memories of the sixties and seventies. During this era, eight track tapes ruled the music world. America's love of the automobile, was a driving force in creating the demand for musical cassette formats. For those who grew up in this era, an eight […]
Apricot Day
Not many people know that just three apricots will provide a person with a third of your daily beta carotene needs. This is just one of the benefits of this fruit that are celebrated on Apricot Day! Apricots are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and fibre.Apricots have been grown by humans for around […]
Extraterrestrial Culture Day
An officially acknowledged day in New Mexico (Roswell), Extraterrestrial Culture Day celebrates extraterrestrial cultures, and our past, present and future relationships with extraterrestrial visitors.Get the kettle on and set the table for a guest, ET might just be popping round!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Tomato Day
Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? In 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in. Decision: officially a fruit, but taxed as a vegetable. Source: