Margarita Day

Tequila, triple sec and lime juice (and ice) are everything you’ll need to celebrate Margarita Day – that and some good friends, a tropical beach (or luxurious urban apartment) and some delectable nibbles.

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Look for Circles Day
When : Always November 2 Look For Circles Day  is today. Go forth, in search of circles. We suspect you will find them everywhere. Looking for circles, is a lot like swimming in a round pool. You go round and round. There's a lots of splashing. But, you don't get anywhere. Did you find lots […]
Buzzard Day
Great Poetry Reading Day
When : Always April 28th Great Poetry Reading Day is in honor of some really great verse. There's lots of poetry out there. Some is good, and some is not so good. Today is intended to read the world's greatest poetry. Celebrate today in any or all of the following ways: Read poetry Hold a […]
brass needle through red cloth button
Thread the Needle Day
**Thread the Needle Day**, celebrated on **July 25**, is a unique holiday that encourages precision and skill, both literally and metaphorically. While it can be a fun day to practice sewing and embroidery, the phrase "thread the needle" also symbolizes finding a delicate balance or navigating a difficult path with finesse. Whether you're honing your craft or tackling a challenging situation, Thread the Needle Day is all about focus, dexterity, and the art of skillfully managing intricate tasks.