National Neighborhood Day

Celebrated on the third Sunday of each September, National Neighborhood Day inspires, builds and sustains the neighborhood relationships that provide the foundation for civic action and the building of stronger, more caring and effective communities.

Bat Appreciation Day
On Bat Appreciation Day, take a moment to consider the humble bat. Bats are mysterious, enigmatic creatures which are all around us, though we may not be aware of them. Some species are as small as a thumb, and yet are capable of flying hundreds of miles over land and sea to migrate each year. […]
Granola Bar Day
To honor all those busy times when a small cereal bar helped you make it through a hectic day at work, start celebrating Granola Bar Day right away!Nutritious, yummy granola is typically based on rolled oats full of proteins and useful fibers. It’s been an increasingly popular type of breakfast food since the 19th century, […]
Check Your Batteries Day
We all know that some days are silly or light-hearted, but there are others which serve an important purpose. Check Your Batteries Day is definitely highly recommended because it could actually save your life.Created to raise awareness of the importance of testing and having working batteries in household appliances like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide […]
Date Nut Bread Day
It’s worth laying on a spread to celebrate Date Nut Bread Day – but the question is whether to choose butter or cream cheese! Nobody seems to know for sure who decided that this delicious fruity bread should get its own day, despite evidence that the holiday has been celebrated for years. Published recipes for […]

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