
Chocolate Mint Day

There’s something special about the combination of smooth, rich, luxurious chocolate and cool, refreshing, sharp mint. Celebrate this incredible combination on Chocolate Mint Day by indulging in your favourite minty, chocolate treat!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/chocolate-mint-day/

Glazed Spiral Ham Day
Not just any ham, Glazed ham!
International Very Good Looking Smart People Day
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day
On March 29th, 1848, ice blockages caused rivers to run dry, and reduced the flow of water to such an extent that Niagara Falls’ 3,160 tons of water per second flow came to a halt. Locals celebrate with Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day, and with plenty of great hotels in the area, it’s not hard […]
My Way Day
My Way Day has been created in celebration of that wonderful phrase “It’s my way or the high way”. The history of My Way Day is unclear but it believed to have been inspired by key events in the world happening because someone had a bold idea and they weren’t afraid to go through with […]

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