Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day

Feeling mischievous? Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day gives you an excuse to have some fun or even get revenge by jumping in puddles and splashing your friends (pretty self-explanatory). Don’t forget to wear wellies!

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Everything You Think is Wrong Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th Everything You Think is Wrong Day is a day when nothing goes right. Have you ever had a day like that...... a day when nothing was going right? Yeah, me too! Well, today is a special day in recognition that everyone has a bad day once in a […]
Star Wars Day
Star Wars Day is an unofficial secular holiday in May which celebrates the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. It is observed by fans of the movies. Observance of the holiday spread quickly due to Internet, social media, and grassroots celebrations.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
man and woman near table
Handshake Day
Handshake Day celebrates the universal gesture of greeting and agreement that transcends cultural boundaries. Whether it's a firm handshake in a business setting or a friendly handshake between friends, this simple gesture symbolizes trust, respect, and goodwill. On this day, take the time to shake hands with colleagues, acquaintances, and strangers alike, fostering connections and building relationships through this timeless act of human interaction.
420 Day
420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a code-term that refers to the consumption of cannabis and by extension, as a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture or simply cannabis itself. Observances based on the number 420 include smoking cannabis around the time 4:20 p.m (16:20) (with some sources also indicating 4:20 a.m.[1][2]) on any given […]