Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day

Crab is completely delicious, but it’s so messy to eat. Try stuffing it in your favorite seafood or chicken, and you can enjoy it mess-free on the fanciest of occasions.


Take a Model Train to Work Day
Choo choo, be wary of the Old 97!
Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day
Remember when you got your computer, and the tidy, empty desktop looked clean, productive and well-organised? Take a look now – we’re willing to bet that it’s strewn with icons that you barely ever use, that there are documents and files sprawling around folders that are in desperate need of organisation. Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day […]
Pistol Patent Day
When : Always February 25th ""Shoot! I don't have a Pistol Patent."" If this thought is going through your mind right now, then this day is for you. You should aim to get a patent today. Why, today is Pistol Patent Day. In order to get a pistol patent, you must have a new design for […]
The Day the Music Died
The Day the Music Died, dubbed so by a lyric in the Don McLean song ""American Pie"", is a reference to the deaths of rock and roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. ""The Big Bopper"" Richardson, in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, on February 3, 1959. Pilot Roger Peterson was […]

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