Pistol Patent Day

When : Always February 25th

""Shoot! I don't have a Pistol Patent."" If this thought is going through your mind right now, then this day is for you. You should aim to get a patent today. Why, today is Pistol Patent Day.

In order to get a pistol patent, you must have a new design for a pistol. I'm sure you can whip one up in short order and lay down the permit application fees and such, right? If not, how can you participate in this day? .... we offer no answer to this question.

Did you Know? Samuel Colt invented the revolver, a pistol with multiple chambers for bullets.  He patented it in Europe in 1835, and in the United States in 1836.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/February/pistolpatentday.htm

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