Battery Day

Where would we be without the humble battery? Take a moment to consider how many of your household items use batteries – from cars to remote controls and hand-held devices, Battery Day is all about celebrating and recognising just how important the simple battery is to our way of life.
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Cheesecake Day
Cheesecake Day, celebrated on July 30, is a delightful occasion dedicated to one of the world's most beloved desserts: cheesecake. This rich, creamy treat has a long and fascinating history, with variations found in many cultures around the globe. Whether you bake your own cheesecake or visit a local bakery, Cheesecake Day is the perfect time to indulge in this delicious dessert and appreciate its enduring appeal.
Worship of Tools Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 11th There are few things that the male population worships more than his tools. To some, a tool is a natural extension of their arm. So, Worship of Tools Day is a logical day of celebration. And, it's definitely a guy thing. Please note however, there are more than […]
Shortbread Day
On Shortbread Day, one needs to keep things short and sweet! Shortbread (not to be confused with shortcake) is an absolutely delicious kind of cookie (sweet biscuit). It is usually made with one part sugar, two parts butter, and three parts white flour. Slightly less traditional recipes can also see such ingredients as chocolate chips […]
Z Day
People whose first or last name start with the letter Z must have it pretty rough—most processes, systems and organizations use alphabetical sorting as standard, meaning they are always last, not matter what the place or occasion. Could get a bit annoying after years and years, don’t you think?Z Day was created to give those whose names […]