Champion Crab Races Day

Gather-up everyone you know and race your friends on your hands and knees

That Sucks Day
Historically, a lot of bad things happen on That Sucks Day, not least of which is that it’s income tax pay day (this is also the day the Titanic sank and Abraham Lincoln died).More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Gather round the fire, and make yourselves comfortable… Tell A Fairy Tale Day is all about exploring myths and stories, old and new. From grim(m) tales to urban legends, tap the dark corners of your subconscious and see what you find…More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Laboratory Day
A Mad scientists Favourite Day
Three Kings Day
Celebrating the day upon which the three kings arrived at Bethlehem, Three Kings Day is twelve days after Christmas day, and marks the end of the Christmas period.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at