
Clam Chowder Day

Clam Chowder Day celebrates this popular broth; often made from clams, onion and potato, recipes vary by region and by country. How do you like yours?

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/clam-chowder-day/

Biological Clock Day
The words ‘biological clock’ may conjure up images of dancing babies, but there’s much more to the biological clock than that last minute urge to make babies that supposedly kicks in at a certain point in a woman’s life.For a start, both men and women have a biological clock, as being celebrated by Biological Clock […]
Pencil Day
Don’t Go to Work Unless it’s Fun Day
When : Always April 3rd Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day might be your day to sleep in. If this day falls on a Saturday or Sunday when you are normally off of work, it's an easy day to participate in. Otherwise, make sure you get your boss' approval prior to participating.   […]
Dream Day
It is time to sit back and relax and enjoy Dream Day!But do not use it as an excuse to slip back into bed – Dream Day was set up by an instructor at Columbia University in 2012 as a way of helping us all achieve our dreams and to make the world a better […]

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