Get a Different Name Day

Whether youâ??re having a bit of an identity crisis, or simply fancy confusing your friends, Get A Different Name Day is a chance to throw off the shackles of the norm and adopt a new name!
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Frappe Day
When : Always October 4th National Frappe Day is today. It's time to make, or buy, and drink your favorite Frappe. One might consider Frappes to have an identity crisis. It's made of many different things. The dictionary definition of Frappes is that it is an ice cream beverage drink. So, what's with all of […]
Buffet Day
National Buffet Day is celebrated annually on January 2.  Buffets are a popular choice by many when choosing a destination for eating out.Buffets are a system of serving meals, where food is placed in a public area to be easily viewed and selected, by people generally serving themselves.  Buffets are effective for serving large groups […]
Granola Bar Day
To honor all those busy times when a small cereal bar helped you make it through a hectic day at work, start celebrating Granola Bar Day right away!Nutritious, yummy granola is typically based on rolled oats full of proteins and useful fibers. It’s been an increasingly popular type of breakfast food since the 19th century, […]
Thomas Crapper Day
This day honors quite possibly the greatest plumber ever

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