Peppermint Pattie Day

Chocolate and mint is a ubiquitous combo, but there’s still nothing like a Peppermint Pattie. Taste them again — or indulge with these candy-inspired treats.


Flossing Day
Flossing Day encourages the regular use of dental floss to promote healthy teeth and gums.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Bagels & Lox Day
The most-satisfying brunch spread is also the easiest: a DIY buffet of bagels and smoked salmon (aka lox). Don’t forget the cream cheese and some strong coffee! Source:
Mother-in-Law Day
Date When Celebrated : Fourth Sunday in October If you missed Mother's Day in May, then here's another chance to honor your beloved Mother-In-Law. The source of many jokes, a mother-in-law doesn't usually get the praise and appreciation she deserves. More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
National Teacher Day

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