Fettuccine Alfredo Day

In 1914, Roman Chef Alfredo di Lello dressed pasta with butter and cheese for his pregnant wife. Americans later went mad for it, making the sauce creamier and adding seafood or chicken to the mix.

Source: food.com

World Vegetarian Day
Why not try going vegetarian just for one day and if you are vegetarian, convince someone else for one day
Inconvenience Yourself Day
You know those days when you just can’t be bothered to get out of bed? Well, Inconvenience Yourself Day is not one of them. So, put on your happy face and go out there and be nice! The concept may have originated from Ms. Julie Thompson and it was meant to serve as an incentive […]
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
One of our favourite days of the year, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day is a chance to throw away the rule book and celebrate however you like! Get together with your friends and create your own special holiday, and who knows, if it becomes popular enough, it might end up on our calendar!More Details...All details […]
Waiting for the Barbarians Day
Stand around and await the inevitable today

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