It if wasn't once frozen, don't bother eating it today
Chocolate Fondue Day
The origins of this holiday are quite mysterious, no one knows who created Chocolate Fondue Day, where it was first celebrated, or why it is celebrated every year. It is one of those bizarre yet funny days that has appeared unannounced on our calendar, inviting us to enjoy a chocolatey celebration: dipping our favorite fruit, […]
Clam Chowder Day celebrates this popular broth; often made from clams, onion and potato, recipes vary by region and by country. How do you like yours?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
**Happiness Happens Day**, celebrated on August 8, is a joyous occasion dedicated to spreading positivity and celebrating the simple moments that bring us joy. Founded by the Secret Society of Happy People, this day encourages individuals to focus on the happiness in their lives and share it with others. It’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on what makes us happy, spread smiles, and embrace the little things that brighten our days.
National Strawberry Cream Pie is celebrated each year on September 28. CELEBRATE To celebrate this food holiday, try one of these “tried and true” recipes and share them with your friends and families: Use #StrawberryCreamPieDay to post on social media.