Crepe Day

Celebrate Crepe Day (as opposed to Pancake Day) with a crispy, thin, French-style crepe â?? we recommend the classic lemon-and-sugar approach, but why not go crazy and experiment?
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Dance Like a Chicken Day
When: Always on May 14th Dance Like a Chicken Day is for those who like to do the ""Chicken Dance"". All 'ya gotta do is dance like a chicken. While any dance song will do, there's no dance like the Chicken dance. It's tradition at every wedding reception to play and to dance the Chicken […]
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
One of our favourite days of the year, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day is a chance to throw away the rule book and celebrate however you like! Get together with your friends and create your own special holiday, and who knows, if it becomes popular enough, it might end up on our calendar!More Details...All details […]
Ferris Wheel Day
Ride high, high in the sky (within the constraints of a Perspex box attached to a giant wheel); what better way to celebrate Ferris Wheel Day?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Pick Strawberries Day
There’s nothing quite like locally picked, seasonal fruit – and Pick Strawberries Day is a great excuse to experience one of the key highlights of the fruit calendar! Find your local ‘pick your own fruit’ business and take a basket or two – be sure to wash your strawberries and check that they’re safe to […]

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