Pie Day

Everybody loves pie, arguably one of the greatest and most versatile food structures known to mankind. Sweet, savoury, filled with gravy or sauce, pies come in all shapes, sizes and flavours. Why not celebrate this Pie Day by making a pie from scratch, using your favourite fillings?

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/pie-day/

National Weather Observer’s Day
Archery Day
Bull's Eye!
Buy-A-Doughnut Day
Why not start your day today with a Doughnut?
Absinthe Day
Absinthe has been a beverage celebrated by artists and aristocrats for centuries, so it should only make sense that fans of this “green fairy” are eager to take part in a holiday simply known as Absinthe Day.Touted for its innate ability to inspire such writers as Ernest Hemingway and Oscar Wilde (to name but a […]