
Disc Jockey Day

Everyone knows a DJ; thousands claim that they are one (even if they only mix it up in their bedrooms). Disc Jockey Day is all about celebrating the hard working entertainers that have brought energy to dance floors across the globe. Respect needs to be paid to Disc Jockeys of all levels from velvet suited wedding crooners to international superstars – if you’ve made people dance by playing back to back music, today is the day to hail your talents.

Superstar DJ’ing was born out of the popularity of the Ibiza dance scene and now dance music and DJs are global and the technology has moved way beyond two turntables and a microphone. Itâ??s important to remember the definition of a Disc Jockey, a person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience; therefore almost anyone can be a DJ so get out there and play some music!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/disc-jockey-day/

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