Tin Can Day

Peter Durand patented the tin can in 1810, and Tin Can Day celebrates his contribution to the storage of perishable food.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/tin-can/

Swap Ideas Day
The exact origins of Swap Ideas Day are unknown. However, it is believed that the creator of this day is Robert Birch. This was not his only unusual idea as he is also thought to have invented several other strange celebrations including Lumpy Rug Day, Trivia Day and the bizarrely named Nothing Day.The idea behind […]
National BBQ Day
Are you ready for a lazy backyard barbecue meal today? From sweet and saucy, to simple and smoky, you can always find your favorite, Celebrate! It’s National Barbecue day! Grilling is no longer considered a male dominated activity. While 51 percent of males cha-cha with the charcoal, 49 percent of women flamenco with the flames. […]
Earmuffs Day
Protect your ears from loud noises and protect them from the cold on Earmuffs Day!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/earmuffs-day/
What National Holiday Is It Today? Uncovering Crazy and Fun Holidays You Never Knew Existed!
Discovering Today's National HolidayNational holidays play a significant role in the cultural and social fabric of a nation. They are often established through legislative acts, presidential proclamations, or even grassroots movements that garner widespread support. These holidays can commemorate historical events, celebrate cultural traditions, or promote awareness for various causes. Each national holiday carries its […]