Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day

If youâ??ve held out for over a fortnight into the new year, youâ??re doing well! However, weâ??ve reached the crunch point; January 17th is the most common date to give up on your resolutions, itâ??s marked by Ditch New Yearâ??s Resolutions Day.

Can you hold onto your convictions well into the new year, or is it easier to slip back into old habits?

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/ditch-new-years-resolutions-day/

International Ninja Day
Ninja Day (or the Day Of The Ninja) is all about dressing in dark, ninja-themed clothing, sneaking up on your friends, and living like a ninja. Why not buy a ninja outfit and a ninja mask, and see how stealthily you can behave at home, work or school?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content […]
Authors’ Day
Celebrate literature in all its forms on Authors’ Day, and show your appreciation for the incredibly hard work put in by the authors behind your favourite writings.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/authors-day/
CD Player Day
With the rise of digital downloads, MP3s and integrated media devices in the house and on the move, the humble CD player may become a thing of the past. Get a bit lo-tech, and celebrate CD Player Day by enjoying music from a dedicated CD player, a portable hand-held player, or even a boombox or ghetto-blaster!More […]
Kindergarten Day
If you are in Kindergarten, today is your special day