Fig Newton Day

Myth has it that Nabisco’s cookies are named for Sir Isaac Newton. They actually are named for Newton, Mass., which neighbored where they were invented.


Moment of Frustration Day
When : October 12th Moment of Frustration Day is truely a frustrating day. We believe one of the most important reasons for today, is the opportunity to let your frustrations out. If you are not frustrated, count your blessings. Don't use today to add to your frustrations. And whatever you do today, don't find new […]
Homemade Soup Day
Soup is a common meal in many countries and probably dates back to the invention of the earliest cooking pots. Today it’s easy to open a can and heat some premade soup, but soup is even better when it’s made at home. Soup is easy, cheap and usually quick to make and can be stuffed […]
white and gray bird on the bag of brown and black pig swimming on the beach during daytime
Yellow Pig Day
Yellow Pig Day on July 17th is a quirky and fun holiday that celebrates all things yellow and pig-related. This whimsical day is the perfect opportunity to embrace creativity, spread joy, and bring a pop of color into your life. Whether you choose to dress in yellow, indulge in some delicious bacon, or simply enjoy the sunny hues of the day, Yellow Pig Day is sure to brighten your spirits and add a touch of whimsy to your summer celebrations.
Mitten Tree Day
Mitten Tree Day is a holiday for small children but you can enjoy this day at any age!  It's the best grade school project when it's cold outside and to keep the kids entertained. Ways to celebrate:  Have a Christmas tree (either real or cut out of poster board) and have people donate mittens for […]