Say thanks to a volunteer fire-fighter for all their hardwork
Reconciliation Day
When : Always April 2and Reconciliation Day is a special day to patch relationships and to make amends. It's intention is to re-establish relationships between family, friends and couples. Life is too short to hold a grudge between those we love. Estranged couples may find today to be an opportunity to work out their problems. […]
Two ways to participate1. Participate by yourselfSTEP 1Schedule one hour.STEP 2Start cleaning! Use your own method or see our tips.STEP 3Let others know how many emails you deleted. Share your score here.2. Participate with your workmatesSo itâ??s not a surprise that as we observed, surveyed and interviewed well over 1000 office workers as part of […]
Marmot Day is a celebration of marmots, a group of large squirrel-like animals that includes groundhogs, woodchucks and ground squirrels. Even though marmots are found all over the world, from Canada to Mexico and from Russia to India, these animals don’t seem to get the attention they deserve. Marmot Day was established in 2002 to […]
Operas have been captivating audiences since the sixteenth century, and this highly revered art form continues to gain new enthusiasts today. An opera is a piece of performance art that combines music with text, and is often a dramatic enaction of a story, complete with acting, scenery and costumes.There is no better time to celebrate […]