Pop Music Chart Day

When was the last time you checked the pop charts? Pop Music Chart Day is a great excuse to see whoâ??s at number one, and to discover new artists and music.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/pop-music-chart-day/

Cartoonists Day
Cartoonists Day celebrates the anniversary of the publishing of the first ever colour cartoon, The Yellow Kid in 1895. Now cartoons are a core component of many newspapers, publications and printed media, and have had (and continue to have) a huge impact on our culture.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/cartoonists-day/
Used Car Day
Banana Cream Pie Day
A banana cream pie fulfills a lot of needs, all in one go. It’s sweet, sticky, crunchy and soft, all at the same time. It’s thought that Elvis was a big fan of this pudding, which is justification enough to have Banana Cream Pie Day.Although cream puddings have been around for centuries, banana cream pie […]
Kickball Day
Kickball is a popular playground sport that has been around since the early 1900’s. Originally called “Kick Baseball” the game was used by physical education teachers to teach school children the basics of baseball. The game is typically played on a field and uses 3 bases, a pitcher’s mound, and a home plate. Like Baseball or softball, 2 teams […]

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