October 13th, 2019

Ada Lovelace Day

Ada Lovelace Day was created to celebrate one of the first female computer programmers. As the daughter of the poet Lord Byron, Augusta Ada Byron, was brought up by her mother, Annabella, after he passed. Her mother feared that she would inherit her fatherâ??s poetic temperament, and gave Ada a strict upbringing of logic, science and mathematics. Ada became fascinated with mechanisms and designed steam flying machines, poring over the scientific magazines of the time and embracing the British Industrial revolution.

In 1833, Ada Lovelace was introduced to Charles Babbage whom she helped to develop a device called The Analytical Engine; an early predecessor of the modern computer. Lovelace and Babbage worked together closely for many years in order to refine the Engine. Ada found relative fame in 1842 when she expanded on an article by an Italian mathematician, in which she elaborated on the use of machines through the manipulation of symbols. Although Babbage had sketched out programs before, Lovelace’s were the most elaborate and complete, and the first to be published; so she is often referred to as â??the first computer programmerâ?.

Ada Lovelace died of cancer at the age of 36 a few short years after the publication of â??Sketch of the Analytical Engine, with Notes from the Translatorâ?. The Analytical Engine remained a vision for many but until Ada’s notes inspired Alan Turing to work on the first modern computers in the 1940’s.

Her passion and vision for technology have made her a powerful symbol for women in the modern world of technology.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/ada-lovelace-day/

Yorkshire Pudding Day

Yorkshire puddings are a savory food, made from a batter mix similar to that used for pancakes, which often accompanies roast beef. Celebrate Yorkshire Pudding Day by organizing a large family meal, and dedicating the bottom shelf of the oven to a delicious tray of big, puffy Yorkshire puddings!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/yorkshire-pudding-day/

National Peanut Festival

George Washington Carver, Jr invented over 100 uses for the peanut, why not use one today

International Suit Up -day

On this day, suit up in honour of How I Met Your Mother, and Barney Stinson, and because suits are AWESOME.

Things to do on International Suit-Up Day
- Wear a suit to university
- Wear a suit to work
- Wear a suit in hospital
- Wear a suit to school (daring)
- Eat in a suit
- Buy Suitjamas
- Sleep in a suit
- Buy a suit
- If you see someone without a suit, tell them to go home and suit up, or convince them to watch How I Met Your Mother.
- Drink in a suit - if you can find a bar called MacLarens, drink there.
- Party in a suit.
- Dress your dog in a suit
- Do not dress your cat, that is cruel
- Play Laser Tag in a suit.... What up!

You do not have to be a How I Met Your Mother Fan or a woman to wear a suit, because suits are awesome anyway.
More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.internationalsuitupday.com/

Face Your Fears Day

Take a moment to consider what your life might be like if you conquered some of your greatest fears. What would you do differently? Face Your Fears Day gives you the chance to stand up to your fears, overcome them, and to seize the day.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/face-your-fears-day/

No Bra Day

Boobies are Fantastic… We all think so. And what better way to express the way we feel than to support a full day of boobie freedom??

Women are magnificent creatures, and so are their breasts. Let us spend the day unleashing boobies from their boobie zoos.

Ladies, free your breasts for 24 hours by removing those dreadful (but at times oh-so-helpful) bras. Our perkiness should not be hidden. It is time that the world see what we were blessed with. Your breasts might be colossal, adorable, miniature, full, jiggly, fancy, sensitive, glistening, bouncy, smooth, tender, still... blossoming, rosy, plump, fun, silky, Jello-like, fierce, jolly, nice, naughty, cuddly… But the most used adjectives to describe your breasts on July 9th should be joyous, wild, and spectacular.

Gentlemen, you can participate too! Your job will be to support us ladies by rocking something pink. It can be a pink tie, pink boxers, pink socks, pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon, I ? Boobies Bracelet…. If it is pink, it supports us. (Your support means quite a lot to us…)

**If wearing a bra on this day is absolutely necessary, you can definitly show your support by wearing something pink.**

Yay for boobies!

P.S. Ladies…. Wearing a white t-shirt on this day is not only acceptable, but encouraged!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.facebook.com/events/183929354980205/


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