National Holidays

No Socks Day
Kick off your socks and wiggle your toes for No Socks Day! Go barefoot for a day (carefully, of course), and enjoy the feeling of foot-freedom.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at Please leave this field emptyOh hi there 👋 It’s nice to meet you. Sign up to receive weekly holidays in […]
Hoagie Day
When: Always on May 5th National Hoagie Day was created to give us a special day to enjoy and celebrate a big, tasty hoagie.You know of this big sandwich as a hoagie, a sub or a hero. And, it's a regular on most diets in America. People eat them for lunch, dinner, and even as […]
Cartoonists Day
Cartoonists Day celebrates the anniversary of the publishing of the first ever colour cartoon, The Yellow Kid in 1895. Now cartoons are a core component of many newspapers, publications and printed media, and have had (and continue to have) a huge impact on our culture.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Beverage Day
When: Always on May 6th Beverage Day is a chance to kick back with your favorite beverage and enjoy the day. The term ""beverage"" is broadly defined. So, were talking about celebrating all beverages today.   Beverage Day should be a day of pleasure and relaxation.  Grab a bottle, can, a glass, or  a six-pack […]
Nurses Day
When : May 6-12: National Nurse's Week May 8: National Student Nurses Day May 6th: National Nurses Day Wednesday of Nurse's Week: School Nurses Day May 12: International Nurse's Day November 14: Operating Room Nurse Day What: National Nurses Week, and a number of specific Nurses Days during this week, provides recognition to nurses for their […]
No Homework Day
Here’s one you may wish to hide from your children! Although if they don’t know about it, then there would not be many folks left to celebrate No Homework Day!That’s right, this is the day where children can tell their teachers and parents in complete honesty that they will not be doing their homework, in […]
Buddha Day
Buddha's Birthday (Nepali: Ă Â€ÂŹĂ Â„ÂĂ Â€ÂŠĂ Â„ÂĂ Â€Â§ à€?Ă Â€ÂŻĂ Â€ÂšĂ Â„ÂĂ Â€Â€Ă Â„?) the birthday of the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, is a holiday traditionally celebrated in Mahayana Buddhism. According to the Theravada Tripitaka scriptures[which?] (from Pali, meaning ""three baskets""), Gautama was born in Lumbini in modern-day Nepal, around the year 563 BCE, and raised in Kapilavastu.[2][3]According to this legend, briefly after the birth […]
International Tuba Day
Listen to some Polka music and enjoy the sounds of one of the biggest brass instruments
Iris Day
When: Always on May 8th Iris Day celebrates these beautiful and attractive late spring bloomers. With or without a beard, Iris are very popular among homeowners and gardeners. With a little luck, you have Iris blooming in your flower beds today. Celebrate Iris Day by enjoying these great, easy to grow bloomers. If you don't […]
National Teacher Day
Lost Sock Memorial Day
It’s inevitable – for every load of laundry you sort through, there are odd socks. Over time, you may even find that you end up with entire drawers and storage boxes filled with odd socks. But worry not! Lost Sock Memorial Day is all about commemorating the other (lost) halves of the pairs of socks which […]
Train Day
Train Day which celebrates all things trains! From enthusiasts about the humble begininnings of locomotive transport to engineers developing the future of rail travel, groups across the USA gather for events, celebration, education and discovery.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Moscato Day
Moscato is a wine originating from the Piedmont region of north-west Italy and the beverage has become a popular choice due to its sweetness, lightness and affordability. Moscato’s popularity among hip-hop artists like Nelly and Drake created hype as well as soaring sales, so in celebration of both new and old fans of the wine, […]
National Shrimp Day
Observed annually on May 10, it is National Shrimp Day. Americans eat more shrimp than any other seafood, and this is the day to celebrate this delicious seafood. The word “prawn” is used loosely to describe any large shrimp, sometimes known as “jumbo shrimp.” Some countries use the word “prawn” exclusively for all shrimp. Preparing […]
World Lupus Day
World Lupus Day aims to raise awareness of a disease that is little known, but can have devastating effects on sufferers and their families. Lupis is a chronic disease that causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack healthy tissue. Lupus can cause pain, inflammation and damage in any part of the […]
Windmill Day
Windmills were once a much more common feature of our landscapes; however, modern industry has rendered these historical wind-powered factories mostly redundant. Windmill Day encourages you to visit your local windmill, get involved in restoration projects, and to try your hand as a miller!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
moncohrome photo of duomo di milano
Goth Day
May 22 is celebrated as Goth Day, honoring the goth subculture that appreciates the darker, melancholic side of life through its music, fashion, and art. Originating in the UK in 2009 from a BBC Radio initiative, it encourages both goths and enthusiasts to engage in various activities that reflect the culture’s rich heritage. Goth culture, emerging from the post-punk scene, not only revels in unique music and distinctive fashion but also supports diversity and individuality, urging everyone to appreciate and partake in its deep-rooted legacy.
Clean Up Your Room Day
When: Always on May 10th Clean Up Your Room Day is a day parents eagerly await........... and kids dread! If you've got kids, it is very possible that their rooms are a vast wasteland, completely filled with ""good stuff"". ""Messy"" is too kind of an adjective to describe the conditions. Its impossible to walk through […]
Golden Spike Day
Think about a world without a transcontinental railroad
Twilight Zone Day
When: Always on May 11th Twilight Zone Day is mysterious, weird, surreal and perhaps a little scary. We can think of many other adjectives, but I think you get the picture. Every once in a while, you have a day like this. And, today is designed to be that day. The television show The Twilight […]
Root Canal Appreciation Day
Tooth pain is not a laughing matter, and for anyone who has experienced that discomfort prior to having treatment from an endodontist, Root Canal Appreciation Day is a big, big event. For teeth that have been damaged or irritated to the point of infection, the root canal procedure not only prevents worsening or abscess, it […]
Eat What You Want Day
Many people spend time stressing over their diet, and what they should or shouldn’t eat. If this sounds like you, you will be glad to hear about Eat What You Want Day.It shouldn’t be too hard to imagine how to celebrate this holiday. You can eat whatever you want. For some people, this will mean […]
Nutty Fudge Day
Nutty Fudge Day is a day you don’t want to miss if you have a sweet tooth! The earliest recorded evidence of fudge dates back to a letter written in 1886 by Emelyn Battersby Hartridge of Vasser College in Baltimore, USA. Other stories include a college lecturer in Virginia who was teaching toffee making but […]
Odometer Day
The odometer; the history of your car is recorded in this little counter. All those journeys you’ve taken for leisure, for pleasure, alone or with friends. Odometer Day celebrates the invention of the odometer which was invented by William Clayton in 1847.You probably take your odometer for granted, or sometimes curse the high number it […]
six white boats under horizons
Maritime Day
On May 22, Maritime Day is celebrated globally, honoring the history and impact of seafaring. Originating in the U.S. in 1933, it commemorates the SS Savannah's maiden voyage in 1819, marking steam-powered transatlantic travel. The day highlights maritime contributions to global trade and prosperity, recognizes seafarers' bravery, and emphasizes the importance of sustainable maritime practices. Celebrations vary from parades to exhibitions, collectively cherishing a rich maritime legacy and advocating for ocean conservation.
Fatigue Syndrome Day
When: Always on May 12th Fatigue Syndrome Day is quite a tiring day. Today recognizes the fact that sometimes life is just too tiring. Perhaps you're tired because you are not getting enough sleep. Perhaps, you're stressed out. Some people experience chronic fatigue from worrying, or due to problems. These are all common causes of […]
Another Kite Day
Limerick Day
When: May 12th Limerick Day celebrates the birthday of Writer Edward Lear (1812-1888).  It also, of course, celebrates Limerick poems. Limericks were popularized by Lear in 1846 in his Book of Nonsense"". This day is a time to enjoy and get your fill of Limerick poems. We are so glad that it came along to […]
Blame Somebody Else Day
A super excuse which your colleagues/ pals are gonna love.
Top Gun Day
In 1986 the movie Top Gun came roared into theatres like an F-14 Tomcat. It got a missile lock on the box office and shot down just over $356 million, making it the 11th highest grossing movie of Tome CruiseĂą??s career. The movie centers on Maverick, a hot shot pilot, who is sent to the […]

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