Let It Go Day

Let It Go Day

You know those nagging regrets and grudges that tug at your soul weeks, months or even years after the people, jobs or situations which once made them important ceased to be part of your life? Yes, there was a time when you felt you had to take every opportunity to demonstrate to your ex, you former workmates or classmates how well you were doing without them but isn’t it finally time to move on and let go of the negative emotion pulling you down.

That is exactly what Let It Go Day is all about; a national day when you know you are not in taking the brave step to cast away all those hang-ups from a previous chapter in your life.  Let It Go Day is the perfect occasion to stop wasting your energy on negative feelings from the past and instead focus on building yourself a positive future.

Let It Go Day is a day to celebrate freedom and liberation. On Let It Go Day, we let go of our grudges, resentments, and negative thoughts. We let go of our fears and doubts. We let go of our worries and concerns. We let go of our judgments and criticisms. And we simply let go!

On Let It Go Day, we focus on the present moment and enjoy the moment for what it is. We savor the experience without any attachments or expectations. This allows us to be free from judgment, criticism,and comparison. And it allows us to simply be ourselves!

So on Let It Go Day, take a deep breath and relax into the present moment! Release your burdensome thoughts and just LET GO!