Have a Party with Your Bear Day

Have a Party with Your Bear Day

When : Always November 16th

Is your Teddy Bear a real ""party bear""? Hopefully he is, because today is Have a Party With Your Bear Day. And, what a swell day it is going to be! You get to have a party. And, you get to spend time with your Teddy Bear. I bet you can't think of anything that is more fun!!

Get out the party banners and balloons. Make a cake. Send out the invitations. Invite all of your teddy bears, and your human friends, too. Let them bring their teddys along. Today is going to be a fun day.

Have a happy Party With Your Bear Day.

Other days to spend with your Teddy Bear:

Teddy Bear Picnic Day

Winnie the Pooh Day

Teddy Bear Day

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/November/partybearday.htm