Catfish Day

Catfish Day

National Catfish Day is a national observance of the United States celebrating ""the value of farm-raised catfish."" The day was designated as June 25, 1987, by President Ronald Reagan, who issued the Presidential Proclamation after the U.S. Congress called for the day to be established in House Joint Resolution 178.

There's no denying that catfish is a delicious, versatile fish. But what many people don't know is that catfish is also an affordable and healthy option for seafood lovers of all ages. In fact, on National Catfish Day, everyone should take the time to enjoy this tasty fish!

Catfish can be prepared in a variety of ways, making it perfect for any palate. It can be grilled, baked or fried and served with your favorite sides. Plus, catfish is low in calories and high in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids - making it a healthy choice for those looking to eat smart.

So mark your calendars now - National Catfish Day falls on August 30th this year! Head to your local grocery store or seafood market and pick up some fresh catfish fillets to celebrate this special day the right way - with good food and great company!