Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales

If you look at one of those calendars that mention all of the festivals and celebrations within a particular month, today is the Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales. I was so intrigued about what that day was about that I went off searching for information on the Internet and found an online article from the National Geographic. The author of the article, Hillary Mayell tried to research the importance of this festival to the Inuits of Alaska. Although she could not find where this festival is still celebrated, she talked to some Inuits and found that there are several celebrations throughout the year that give thanks for the whales gift to the Inuit people. According to this article, sixty to seventy percent of the northern Inuit diet is whale. Today there is limited whaling available in order to preserve the species.

I have always been intrigued by the historical whaling industry. I think my first love came from the whale song performed by the Limeliters:

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Nylon Stockings Day
Some holidays are there to celebrate events of momentous cultural significance; others are there to remind us of the little things in life. Nylon Stockings Day is very much in the second category, and a particularly quirky holiday it is too.As might be guessed from the name, this is a day in which women across […]
National BBQ Day
Are you ready for a lazy backyard barbecue meal today? From sweet and saucy, to simple and smoky, you can always find your favorite, Celebrate! It’s National Barbecue day! Grilling is no longer considered a male dominated activity. While 51 percent of males cha-cha with the charcoal, 49 percent of women flamenco with the flames. […]
Oatmeal Cookie Day
Although no record seems to exist regarding the origins of Oatmeal Cookie Day, the Internet is filled with evidence that it is a genuine celebration of what is considered to be the healthiest cookie of all.Oatcakes have been relied on to deliver quick boosts of energy since the middle ages and though recipes are today […]
Cherry Pie Day
When we think of pie most of us think of an Apple Pie, but the sweet-tart Cherry Pie deserves a place right next to it brother on the dessert tray. So do you like your pie sharp and tart or do you prefer a more sweet and smooth pie? Todays the best day to have […]

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