Letter Writing Day

When was the last time you put pen to paper to get in touch with someone? Email, text messaging and instant communication are incredible tools, but lack the personal touch of a handwritten letter. Dust off your writing paper, pens and envelopes and try writing a letter in place of emailing or phoning on Letter Writing Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/letter-writing-day/

Hug an Economist Day
Dr Aidan Kane tells me today is world 'hug an economist' day. I warn you I will not commit to the hug. Once you've finished, I'll say 'I don't accept that'.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.stephenkinsella.net/2011/01/31/hug-an-economist-day/
macro shot of white and brown american eagle
American Eagle Day
June 20th is American Eagle Day, dedicated to raising awareness about the conservation and protection of the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States. This day celebrates the recovery and restoration of the bald eagle population, which faced endangerment due to habitat loss and hunting.
flour in a jar
Bicarbonate of Soda Day: Celebrating the Most Versatile Household Powder
Whether you're a baker, cleaning enthusiast, or someone interested in natural alternatives to commercial products, December 30th provides an opportunity to appreciate and explore the many uses of this remarkable substance. From its humble beginnings as a natural mineral to its current status as a household essential, bicarbonate of soda continues to prove its worth in our daily lives.
Hoagie Day
When: Always on May 5th National Hoagie Day was created to give us a special day to enjoy and celebrate a big, tasty hoagie.You know of this big sandwich as a hoagie, a sub or a hero. And, it's a regular on most diets in America. People eat them for lunch, dinner, and even as […]

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