Miners’ Day

National Miner's Day was made possible as a national holiday on December 3, 2009, thanks to Senator Byrd, Senator Rockefeller, and Senator Reid along with the thousands of people who believe it is important to recognize the hard work and contributions of miners to the well being of all.  Miners provide us with many of the raw materials that are necessary for manufacturing and our daily lives.

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All details taken directly from content provided at minersday.org

Lobster Newburg Day
Named after sea captain Ben Wenburg, this dish got a new title when he and the chef at Delmonico’s had a falling out. It was too popular to take it off the menu. Source: food.com
Disc Jockey Day
Everyone knows a DJ; thousands claim that they are one (even if they only mix it up in their bedrooms). Disc Jockey Day is all about celebrating the hard working entertainers that have brought energy to dance floors across the globe. Respect needs to be paid to Disc Jockeys of all levels from velvet suited […]
Lei Day
The most common festivities on Lei Day are hula, lei making demonstrations and contests, and the crowning of the Lei Queen and her court. What better way to celebrate Lei Day than by booking a trip to one of Hawaii’s many resorts!Each island has its own Lei, traditional to each made with flowers, fruit and vines […]
Empanada Day

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