Bathtub Party Day

Bathtub Party Day is today. Skip the everyday shower and draw yourself a tub full of warm water. Add a few bath oil beads and Voila, you're ready to hop in and "soak it" in the bathtub. Ahh, how soothing and relaxing!

Don't let anything disturb the peace, quiet, and serenity of your bath. Turn off your cell phone. Put on your favorite CDs to a volume where you can't hear the doorbell ring.

The creators of this day at encourage you to invite a friend to your bathtub party. Light some candles. Open a bottle of wine, and have some snacks within reach. It's sure going to be a great time.

Did you know? Bathtub Party Day is a copyrighted holiday. It was created and is provided, courtesy of the great folks at

Have a happy Bathtub Party Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at

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