Roof Over Your Head Day

Many of us take for granted the fact that we have shelter readily available, and that we can choose to spend time indoors under a solid roof to avoid wet or unpleasant weather. Roof Over Your Head Day draws attention to those who are not so fortunate, and reminds us to be appreciative of the little luxuries we enjoy.

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egg on gray stainless steel forks
Egg Day
Celebrated on June 3rd, Egg Day honors one of the most versatile and nutritious foods. Eggs are a staple in many cuisines worldwide, offering protein, vitamins, and minerals. This day encourages people to appreciate the humble egg and its culinary versatility.
Pumpkin Day
By October 26th, we in a frenzy of pumpkin obsession. We cannot wait for the big November holiday for pumpkin pie. No siree, we need pumpkin ev-ery-thing! Bars, cookies, coffee, cheesecake, pasta and oatmeal. Pumpkin Chunkin’, pumpkin patches, festivals, bake-offs and television specials. Let’s not forget jack-o-lantern carving, too! This fruit grabs American’s attention. As […]
woman sitting while operating macbook pro
Take Your Webmaster To Lunch Day
Join us in celebrating 'Take Your Webmaster To Lunch Day' on July 6! Show appreciation for the tech genius behind your website by treating them to a delicious meal. This day is dedicated to recognizing the hard work and creativity of webmasters who keep our online presence running smoothly. Share a meal, share some laughs, and show your gratitude to the unsung hero of your digital world.
Bagpipers parade annual New Hampshire
International Bagpipe Day
International Bagpipe Day, celebrated on March 10, honors the bagpipe’s rich history and cultural significance worldwide. Established in 2012, it unites communities through music, preserving traditions and inspiring future generations. The day highlights the instrument’s emotional power, from solemn memorials to joyous celebrations, ensuring its legacy endures. Join the global celebration!

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