Fritter Day

Fresh, tart fruit or savoury vegetables shallow fried in delicious batter – what more could you ask for to celebrate Fritters Day?

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Check Your Batteries Day
We all know that some days are silly or light-hearted, but there are others which serve an important purpose. Check Your Batteries Day is definitely highly recommended because it could actually save your life.Created to raise awareness of the importance of testing and having working batteries in household appliances like smoke detectors and carbon monoxide […]
Lumpy Rug Day
When: Always on May 3rd Lumpy Rug Day is intended to appreciate a good rug. A rug should be smooth, even, and definitely not lumpy. Many of us stretch out on a rug to watch Tv, play games, and even catch 40 winks. If the rug is lumpy, you'll know it. There are a number […]
Crown Roast of Pork Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 7 You certainly must be kidding, right!? National Crown Roast of Pork Day... Why you ask? Well, frankly, we do not know. And, why not just Roast Pork Day? Why does it have to be a crown roast pork?  What we do know, is that it is National Crown […]
Go Caroling Day
Though declining in popularity, carol singing is still an important part of our cultural and social psyche. We expect carol singers to come knocking on our doors, or to go out carol singing ourselves. Buck the declining trend and organise a carol singing trip with your friends and family on Go Caroling Day.More Details...All details […]

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