Beautiful Day

When : Always November 20th

Today is truely a Beautiful Day in every way, shape and form. The world is filled with ugliness. So, as day like today is refreshing, and eye appealing. It's filled with beautiful sights, sounds and smells.

But, wait a minute. Just what was Beautiful Day created for? We have yet to find the creator. In addition to what we found in our research, we can only speculate as to the intent of this day.

Here is our part fact, part speculative reasons this day was created:

  • A song by the band U2 is titled Beautiful Day.
  • The Beautiful Day monster appeared on Ed Sullivan and later Sesame Street. The monster created mayhem and chaos, in his attempt to ruin a beautiful day.
  • It's creator wanted to create and enjoy the perfect, beautiful day.
  • The Beach Boys song It's a Beautiful Day

As for this author's choice? Well, I'm just gonna kick back and enjoy this beautiful, God given day!

Have a lovely Happy Beautiful Day!

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