Homemade Bread Day

When : Always November 17th

Bakers of the world, rise up and bake some bread, for today is Homemade Bread Day.

Bread has been made for thousands of years. Estimates date it's origin back to 5000-10,000 B.C. Modern day lifestyles has relegated homemade bread to the world of specialty baking and holiday baking. People just don't have time to bake home made bread. We turn to a quick ""run"" to bakeries and grocery stores, for our bread needs. The arrival of automatic bread makers has created a small resurgence of home made breads, especially specialty breads.

The purpose of this day is easy to understand.--- to make home made bread, and to encourage you and me to make tasty and nutritious bread. So, take a little time out of your busy day, and make some bread. Your nose, your taste buds, and your whole family will be glad you did.

Happy Homemade Bread Day!

Flower of the Day: Amaranth

Recipe of the Day: Pumpkin Nut Bread

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/November/homemadebreadday.htm

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